DenmarkMorten Byskov - 5050 TravelogJuly 25, 20233 Days on the Island of Samsø, Samsø 3 days, Samsø getaway, Ferry to Samsø, Staying in Nordby Airbnb, Casa Tua Devine Ice Cream, Søster Sidevind lunch, Røgeriet lunch, Ballen, Ballebjerg sunset, Issehoved hiking, Samsø road trip, EuropeComment 3 Days on the Island of Samsø, Denmark We spend three days on the quaint island of Samsø in Denmark and take in the wonderful summer atmosphere… DenmarkMorten Byskov - 5050 TravelogJuly 25, 20233 Days on the Island of Samsø, Samsø 3 days, Samsø getaway, Ferry to Samsø, Staying in Nordby Airbnb, Casa Tua Devine Ice Cream, Søster Sidevind lunch, Røgeriet lunch, Ballen, Ballebjerg sunset, Issehoved hiking, Samsø road trip, EuropeComment