2020 Summer Moments in Canada

The Vogue Theatre in Vancouver. Be Kind. Be Safe. See You Soon Vancouver.

Another Summer Gone By

The sun is lower on the horizon. Are you asking yourself how did the summer fly by so quickly?

2020 will be remembered for the lockdown and the summer when we all stayed put. The summer when we wondered what would be next. The summer of staycations, uncertainties, canceled concerts and canceled sporting events.

I mean no Euro 2020 Soccer Championships! Tour de France in September and fall hockey playoffs. Not that I am a sports fanatic but it has been strange.

Kayakers on English Bay in the West End of Vancouver

It has been a summer where we could not travel freely around the world as we are accustomed to. At times we have felt isolated in our little bubble here in Vancouver. We miss our family and friends but we also try to remember to be grateful.

Di is keeping a journal and each night she asks me for two things I am grateful for on that particular day. Many times I have said; living so close to Stanley Park. The park has kept us sane, I think :) Countless walks and many trips on my road bike around the 10K park loop have been a lifesaver.

We are fortunate to live in the West End of Vancouver only a block from English Bay Beach. Almost daily we walk along the beach or in Stanley Park. This year we splurged on two beach chairs which makes beach life much more enjoyable.

On a cloudy day in mid-June, we did a short hike at Pitt-Addington Marsh on the outskirts of the city. It was the first time in a while we ventured out of the city and the scenery and fresh air were invigorating.

We Completed Our Travel Goal

The fact we completed our 5050 Travel project and goal just in the nick of time before lockdown is still mind-boggling. We are very fortunate. Our daughter, Emma, however, lives in Denmark and it is not easy to visit. That is something we have to come to terms with.

A trip for Christmas has been debated but at this point, it is too complicated and we have hit the pause button when it comes to international travel.

Thank goodness for video technologies and texting. We cross our fingers that 2021 will be better for travel. The latest I have read, predicts things may normalize near the end of 2021. Fingers crossed.

A trumpet player plays Oh-Canada on Comox Street while neighbors cheer on.

During the first months of the lockdown every night at 7 pm, neighbors in the West End would celebrate and honor healthcare workers by clapping, banging on pots, or playing instruments from their balconies and apartment windows.

One evening a singer-songwriter performed a concert from the roof of our neighboring apartment building.

In Vancouver, we usually enjoy a very temperate climate with beautiful days from late April and well into October. As I typed this on September 10th the forecast called for sunny skies and temperatures up to 26 degrees.

It was almost as if people woke up from hibernation after two months of lockdown on this gorgeous day in early June at Sunset Beach.

Unfortunately, since then smoke from the US fires has rolled in resulting in some of the worst air quality in the world. Stuck indoors again.

The border to the US has been closed all summer and still is. A Black Lives Matter demonstration also took place in Vancouver. We did not take part as we worried about social distancing. The following day we came across these signs downtown.

We are still moved and sympathetic to what is happening south of the border and at times we shake our heads in disbelief.

Add to this the trouble they are enduring with the coronavirus and one hopes to see positive vibes and changes soon. Who knows? Maybe on November 3rd. We miss our US friends and look forward to the day when we can plan a visit to see them again.

Signs left after the Black Lives Matter demonstration in Vancouver

To celebrate Mik’s 30th birthday we took a day trip on the July long weekend. A perfect getaway destination from Vancouver. Check here to read our post from Bowen Island.

Courtney, Mouse, and Mik are practicing social distancing on Bowen Island

I met Ben outside our apartment where he has been meticulously restoring, repairing, and cleaning his classic Mercedes 240D.

Speaking of cars we did not fill up the tank of our car for nearly two months after returning from our travels. There was no need to go anywhere during the lockdown.

Ben’s Mercedes Benz

A couple of days ago I received a text from Ben. He had witnessed the local fire engine hitting the front end of our car while cornering the intersection across from our apartment building.

He had photos of the whole ordeal. Only minor damage was done. I tracked down the fire department and they are of course covering the repairs. Great to have neighbors like that.

It’s been a summer of many Facetime calls with Emma in Denmark. This photo happens to be from late March but you get the idea :) <3

We made two trips to the Okanagan this summer. On the first visit, we stayed with our friends Dagny and Philippe and kept our bubble very limited.

Highlights were dinners on the patio, hooking up with “Mormor” and Lionel, and a couple of bike rides on the Okanagan Rail Trail. The first ride took us from Vernon to Kekuli Bay and back.

The second ride started north of Kelowna Airport and we rode into Kelowna and back. Last year we biked the trail around Wood Lake from Lake Country. The Okanagan Rail Trail is such an awesome addition to the recreational activities in the Okanagan.

The Okanagan Rail Trail near Vernon

In the “best news” category Myanna and Pierce announced their engagement this summer. Had I known this was going to happen I would not have cut pierce out of this photo below. Pierce and Philippe are hiding in the background of this shot from Wood Lake in The Okanagan.

Mom and Daughter :), Dagny, and Myanna.

Summer selfie with Dagny and Philippe

For our anniversary near the end of July, we took a day trip to White Rock. The fish and chips hit the spot as did hanging out on the beach for a few hours.

Stanley Park has in so many ways been an important refuge for us this summer.

Our second trip to the Okanagan this summer was part work and part vacation. We stayed with Dagny and Philippe for a few days before spending a wonderful evening with Calvin, Christine, and the kids.

In the second half of our visit, we stayed with Ross and Amanda at Silver Star for a few days with quick visits with Bernie, Sattu, Russ & Dolly, and Melanie. Always great to see everyone up there and to breathe in the fresh alpine mountain air.

Sunrise at Silver Star Mountain

Part of the fun at Silver Star was to hang out with Ross and Amanda’s cats. Meet Lucy.

Di and Calvin roughing it at Calvin and Christine’s in Vernon. Social distancing in the pool :)

Sunset over Howe Sound and the mountains on Vancouver Island. This shot was taken when I reviewed the Fujifilm X-T4 in August. The photo is captured from Cypress Mountain.

August kayaking with Mik and Courtney, False Creek in Vancouver.

Unfortunately, the summer is coming to an end on a troubling note. Forest fires in Washington State, Oregon, and California have resulted in a thick blanket of smoke covering Vancouver and large parts of British Columbia.

We have been staying indoors and all types of exercise have been put on hold. Apparently breathing in the outside air is equivalent to smoking 8 cigarettes a day.

Smoke from forest fires in Oregon, Washington State and California drift into Vancouver

Wrapping up our favorite summer moments is Philippe having a two-minute nap after our long bike ride to Kelowna in July. The best part of the summer was without a doubt connecting with our family and friends again after a long period of travel followed by the lockdown.

Philippe having a well deserved quick nap

Thanks for hanging in there to see our favorite summer moments of 2020. Soon the fall colors will bloom in Stanley Park and I will probably take a photo or two.

On the travel front, we wish we could announce some exciting plans but we have none at the moment due to the current corona situation.

We are on Flickr now sharing our most popular travel photos.

As always our photos are also available on Getty Images for commercial licensing if anyone asks.

As for camera reviews, up next is the Fujifilm X100V, which I am currently testing, and a couple of exciting new cameras from Canon, the EOS R5, and EOS R6. Stay tuned to see how they stack up. Till then, we hope you have a great fall.

5050 Travelog Destinations

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The photos in this post are made using a Fujifilm X-Pro2, X-T4, GoPro Hero5, and iPhone. Lenses: XF 23mm f/1.4 R - XF 35mm f/1.4 R - XF 90mm f/2 R LM WR (links to my camera and lens reviews). Editing was done in Capture One Express. I have used Fujifilm film simulations for some of the photos.