How and Why We Traveled to 25 Countries in 18 Months

Impromptu soccer games on the beach in Muscat, Oman. This is one of our favorite photos captured during our quest to visit 50 countries in 50 months after turning 50.

The Halfway Point of Our Travel Project to Visit 50 Countries in 50 Months After Turning 50

Updated, 2022

This post was initially published in 2017 upon returning to Canada after traveling to 25 countries in 18 months. As of late February, 2020, we have since completed our goal and have now visited 50 countries in the span of 50 months.

25 Countries in 18 Months, Let’s Go.

If this is your first visit to our blog, let us bring you up to speed. Feeling unsettled and unfulfilled as self-employed, empty-nesters, we decided to sell our home of 19 years and set ourselves a goal to travel to 50 countries in the span of 50 months to mark the milestone of turning 50.

We notified our clients and said goodbye to our two grown kids, our friends, and the comforts of a place we knew so well.

Staying near the lively La Ramblas in the Gothic Quarter's narrow alleys of Barcelona, Spain

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujifilm XF 35mm f/2 R WR

When we landed in Thailand in March 2017, we reached the halfway point of our goal. This was an important milestone for us, as doubt had crept in from time to time about what we had done and where we were headed.

It has been a whirlwind couple of years, and not without unexpected twists and turns. This post will fill you in on our thoughts, reflections, and future plans and highlight 25 photos from the first half of our 5050 Travelog travel project.

We hope you will enjoy it!

It was hot around noon in Al Ain in the United Arab Emirates. We took shelter momentarily at an indoor market.

Fujifilm X-T1, Fujifilm XF 35mm f/2 R WR

Setting a Travel Goal

What is up with the number, and why count? When we first started out, I had to work on my belief system. I would explain our goal but would often say self-defeating things like, "We will see what happens," without being specific.

There was a 50/50 chance we would succeed. It was quirky and pie in the sky, just because we were both turning 50.

It was a fun concept hatched over coffee at Starbucks to escape the day-to-day. We needed and wanted a change, a challenge, but I did not fully believe it was achievable.

However, once we got on the road and traveled further, I began to feel a change in my desire and belief in the goal.

Excellent kite flying conditions at Cannon Beach, Oregon

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujifilm XF 14mm f/2.8 R

We were reconnecting with old friends and cherishing moments of discovery. The travel experiences and impressions refueled our passions and filled our memory banks. How do you count the value of personal connections?

It can be hard to quantify for oneself and others. We are not traveling for the sake of a number, but at the same time, it is a way to be accountable for our goals and challenge ourselves. It can also be rewarding to set milestones and reach them.

A friendly game of petanque - lunch stop in Villeneuve-sur-Lot, France

Fujifilm X-T1, Fujifilm XF 23mm f/1.4 R

How to Get Started on a Travel Goal

It was not easy to get 5050 Travelog off the ground. From the time the decision was made in the fall of 2014 until we were on our first flight to Hong Kong a year went by. If this is your first time reading our blog, a noteworthy post would be: 

Selling Our House to Travel

The worries and aggravations of the planning stages were quickly replaced with quiet anticipation, followed by an adrenaline rush as the plane taxied down the runway and lifted off the tarmac in Vancouver on the last day of October in 2015. 

For those mentally calculating 50 months forward, we have until January 2020 to visit another 25 countries. 

The incredible view from Sharon and Leighton's apartment in Hong Kong, where we were fortunate to spend time with them before they moved back to New Zealand

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujifilm XF 35mm f/1.4 R

Staying With Friends During Travel

We want to thank everyone we have stayed with during "Part One" of our 5050 Travelog project.

There is no way we could have made this happen if we had had to stay in hotels or Airbnb-style accommodation for the entire trip.

After working at a ski resort for 15 years, we have friends from around the world who may or may not have regretted uttering the words… if you are ever our country, make sure to visit.

We will refrain from listing names out of fear of missing anyone. You know who you are. If we have not already connected since we returned to Canada, we sincerely hope to see you for a visit to our new home base in Vancouver.

After spending a month in the heat in the United Arab Emirates, it was a shock to the system to arrive in Prague to rain and snow.

Fujifilm X-T1, Fujifilm XF 35mm f/2 R WR

Our Travel Mission Statement

Our mission statement reads: The main goals of our travels are to experience the world as it is today, photograph the many wonders, catch up with old friends, and hopefully meet new friends along the way.

So far, I think we have succeeded. The most rewarding part has been reconnecting with old friends and family and spending unforgettable time with our grown kids.

It has been a privilege to spend quality time with those we hold dear, not just for a few hours over a glass of wine but sometimes for days or even weeks. 

33,000 steps in Paris in one day meant stretching was a necessity

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujifilm XF 14mm f/2.8 R

Our daughter, Emma, joined us in Paris in the spring of 2016 and spent three weeks with us on a trip that took us to Barcelona, up along the French Riviera, into Italy, and back to Paris via Geneva.

Emma also spent the past year in Copenhagen attending university, so it became our favorite stopover location. Our son Mik and his partner Courtney joined us for a week in December for a traditional Danish Christmas.

Kids rushing through the Souk in Marrakech, Morocco

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujifilm XF 35mm f/1.4 R

The Challenges of Long-Term Travel

We have seen amazing places, and it has been rewarding, but not without challenges. The photo above from Marrakech reminds me of the health issues we encountered.

For 18 months, we did not have a fixed address or a home. By choice, we were constantly on the move. The longest we stayed in one place was about a month.

There is no vaccine for the stress of travel, which is a series of highs and lows and constant chaos. When arriving at a new place, the first task was to consider and plan our next move. How far in advance do you plan?

A family walk along the North Sea, Bovbjerg, in Denmark

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujifilm XF 35mm f/1.4 R

At times, it was difficult to simply enjoy and live in the moment, and we worried about where we would sleep in a few days. Our bodies and minds had to keep up with the pace, and we did not always cope well. Lessons learned, or so we thought.

On the second phase of travel in the summer of 2018, we had a detailed plan with flights and accommodations booked so we could be in the moment.

The best-laid plans, however, are subject to the unexpected. On day twelve, Di was admitted to the hospital for what turned out to be Ramsay Hunt Syndrome and a 7-night stay.

Thank goodness for travel insurance, as we canceled all those well-laid plans. Now, we try to maintain a balance to make sure the significant details are in place and set aside planning time while traveling to confirm details and book a week or two out.

Single file traffic on Isle of Skye in Scotland. We loved the greens, loved the rain, loved Scotland.

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujifilm XF 90mm f/2 R LM WR

Cameras and Lenses for Travel

For the camera crowd out there, I cannot have a summary without talking about my selection of camera gear for travel.

I have been a Canon shooter for a long time, but I wanted a lighter system for travel. Canon makes excellent cameras and lenses, and I would not hesitate to buy another one at some point.

Having a lighter kit, however, has been crucial in feeling free and nimble. I sometimes miss the larger sensor and that certain look of the lenses I have enjoyed using, but Fujifilm has a great lineup of pro cameras and lenses at lower cost and weight. 

Camera and Lens Reviews at 5050 Travelog

We now have Camera and Lens Reviews in our blog. Check out many reviews of Fujifilm X Series and GFX series, XF lenses, Nikon, Leica, and Sony cameras, as well as articles about film cameras and editing.

My camera and lens setup for the 5050 Travelog project. Fujifilm X-Pro2 with XF 35mm f/1.4 R mounted. From left to right; XF 14mm f/2.8 R, XF 23mm f/1.4 R, XF 90mm f/2 R WR.

Switching from Canon to Fujifilm for Travel

I used my Canon gear for the first leg of the 2015 trip to Hong Kong. Over the Christmas holiday back in Canada, I sold all my Canon gear, including four lenses.

For the next leg (United Arab Emirates, Prague, and France), I took a Fujifilm X-T1, which I traded in Paris after the Fujifilm X-Pro2 was released.

The X-T1 was a nice camera, but the Fujifilm X-Pro2 is better in many ways. It has 24 megapixels vs. 16 in the X-T1, is faster, has better autofocus performance, more autofocus points, a joystick for selecting autofocus points, and the fantastic Acros black-and-white film simulation.

The kids play along Rawai Beach, Phuket Thailand

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujifilm XF 35mm f/1.4 R

For this leg of the journey, I used four Fujifilm prime lenses: the Fujifilm XF 14mm f/2.8 Rthe Fujifilm XF 23mm f/1.4 R, and the Fujifilm XF 90mm f/2 LM WR. Last but not least, the Fujifilm XF 35mm f/1.4 R is probably the lens I use the most (Links go to my reviews).

I had the Fujifilm XF 35mm f/2 WR for a while but traded it for the f/1.4 version. I traveled with only two lenses for a six-week stint in Southeast Asia: the XF 14mm f/2.8 R and the XF 35mm f/1.4 R.

Enough about photography gear :)

A quiet scene from a street market in Nanning, China

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujifilm XF 35mm f/1.4 R

The Camel Souk came alive in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates

Fujifilm X-T1, Fujifilm XF 35mm f/2 R WR

Taking a Break From Travel

Why do a summary at this point? It is as much for us as for our readers to take stock.

We have three main reasons for pressing pause.

One: As time passed, it became evident that we were missing a base, a place to call home. We needed a place where you close the door and are yourself, where you practice self-care, and where you relax one hundred percent.

We enjoy the company of friends and family but discovered we also cherish quiet alone time, just the two of us in familiar surroundings. We needed a base where we could recharge and prepare for new adventures.

An awe-inspiring adventure at Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujifilm XF 35mm f/1.4 R

Two: We must replenish our bank account before deciding on our next travel move. Despite attempts at budgeting, funds disappear quickly on the road.

If you are budgeting for long-term travel, remember to include tedious expenses like passport renewals, vaccines, travel insurance, international driver’s license, luggage fees, airport transfers, parking, currency exchange fees, and storage fees if you decide to store your belongings while away.

Three: We needed a break from taking a break. At times, we experienced an overload of new impressions. To fully appreciate the marvelous places in the world we have found, we need more day-to-day to contrast with the beauty and bounty.

We want to enjoy the ride and not be overwhelmed with quantity rather than quality. We will likely opt for shorter periods of travel while maintaining a base. 

London cab. We had forgotten how wonderful London is.

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujifilm XF 35mm f/1.4 R

Speaking of the term "break,” many assumed we had won the lottery and were on a constant holiday. At times, keeping track of all the details of life on the road has felt like a full-time job.

We can assure you the fancy drinks on endless beaches were few and far between, although we did have a very relaxing time in Thailand, so there is no need to feel sorry for us. :)

We chose this life. Part of our goal with the 5050 travel project is to embrace a lifestyle change we want to adapt to, to experience more and own less.

Cote d'azur, Southern France, Casis. You have to see it to believe it.

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujifilm XF 14mm f/2.8 R

Entering Real Life After Long-Term Travel

What is it like to re-enter real life? It has been challenging, but we have also enjoyed the process. We arrived in Vancouver at the end of April and found an apartment in the West End available for June 1st, 2017.

Our very good friends Dagny and Philippe came to our rescue, and we formed a small commune in their home in Vernon for the month of May. It was super cozy, and we were very thankful.

We sorted our storage in 100 Mile House. We donated more stuff, moved the rest to Vernon, and went through things again to downsize as much as possible. We had almost no furniture to return to, so the good folks at Ikea were happy to see us.

We sampled the wine, had pasta, and heard the church choir in the quaint village of Serralunga d'Alba in the Barolo wine district in Italy

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujifilm XF 90mm f/2 R LM WR

Planning for More Travel

We signed a one-year lease and are coming up on two and a half years in our cozy West End apartment. It feels like home. I am again working in photography, web, and graphic design.

Di secured a three-month, full-time finance position, which evolved into consecutive long-term contracts between our travels. Our plan is working out nicely so far, and our long-term goal is to be able to travel for 2-3 months a year.

Friends often ask, "Where to next?" We know we will be going to New Zealand, ideally as our 50th country, to bookend the adventure with our good friends, the Duleys.

Update: New Zealand did end up being country number 50.

Hanoi, Vietnam was one of our favorite travel destinations.

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujifilm XF 35mm f/1.4 R

We want to do some island hopping in the South Pacific. Australia, Central and South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean are also on our radar. However, as Emma is now living in Copenhagen until the summer of 2022, I will have difficulty keeping Di away from Northern Europe and Scandinavia.

There is a lot to look forward to. We have now begun to focus on the business of owning a travel blog and are learning more and more. With our deadline fast approaching, we are starting to offer our apartment for sublet and working on potential travel itineraries.

Tentative departure - November 1, 2019. Stay tuned for travel updates. We have a total of twenty-five photos in the post, so please keep scrolling.

Bicycle parking in Copenhagen, Denmark

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujifilm XF 35mm f/1.4 R

The quiet streets of Boulogne-sur-Gesse in Southern France, where we did a workaway stay with Marie and Patrick

Fujifilm X-T1, Fujifilm XF 23mm f/1.4 R

Posing for a bike group shot in Rovinj, Croatia, where we spent a workaway week with - from left, Chris, our host Marin, and Natali, and Katie.

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujifilm XF 23mm f/1.4 R

Call to prayer in Muscat, Oman

Fujifilm X-T1, Fujifilm XF 14mm f/2.8 R