New ZealandMorten Byskov - 5050 TravelogMarch 06, 2022Travel after 50, Travel Photography, Travel Blog, New Zealand, South Island New Zealand, New Zealand Road Trip, New Zealand Hiking, 3-days in Picton, Queen Charlotte Drive, Queen Charlotte View Lookout Hike, Kayaking in PictonComment 3-Days in Picton New Zealand We spent 3 days in a B&B in Picton on the South Island, New Zealand, hiking, kayaking, dining, and relaxing… New ZealandMorten Byskov - 5050 TravelogMarch 06, 2022Travel after 50, Travel Photography, Travel Blog, New Zealand, South Island New Zealand, New Zealand Road Trip, New Zealand Hiking, 3-days in Picton, Queen Charlotte Drive, Queen Charlotte View Lookout Hike, Kayaking in PictonComment