New ZealandMorten Byskov - 5050 TravelogDecember 15, 2021Travel after 50, Travel Photography, Travel Blog, 5050 Travelog, New Zealand, South Island New Zealand, Hiking Mt. Cook, Hiking in Aoraki / Mt. Cook National Park, Tasman Glacier View Track, Hooker Valley Trail, Hooker Valley Walk, Travel Photography Mt. Cook New Zealand4 Comments Hiking in Aoraki / Mt. Cook National Park We spend a day of day hiking in Aoraki / Mt. Cook National Park on the South Island of New Zealand… New ZealandMorten Byskov - 5050 TravelogDecember 15, 2021Travel after 50, Travel Photography, Travel Blog, 5050 Travelog, New Zealand, South Island New Zealand, Hiking Mt. Cook, Hiking in Aoraki / Mt. Cook National Park, Tasman Glacier View Track, Hooker Valley Trail, Hooker Valley Walk, Travel Photography Mt. Cook New Zealand4 Comments