New ZealandMorten Byskov - 5050 TravelogJanuary 20, 2022Travel after 50, Travel Photography, Travel Blog, New Zealand, South Island New Zealand, New Zealand Road Trip, New Zealand Hiking, Wanaka, Fox Glacier, Hokitika, Greymouth, Blue Pools, Lake Matheson HikeComment Wanaka, Fox Glacier, Hokitika, and Greymouth Our road trip to the South Island in New Zealand moves along. In two days we cover 600 kilometers… New ZealandMorten Byskov - 5050 TravelogJanuary 20, 2022Travel after 50, Travel Photography, Travel Blog, New Zealand, South Island New Zealand, New Zealand Road Trip, New Zealand Hiking, Wanaka, Fox Glacier, Hokitika, Greymouth, Blue Pools, Lake Matheson HikeComment