Photokina and Cologne

Cologne Cathedral or Kölner Dom in Cologne Germany
Photokina and Cologne, (Köln)
This past week I found myself at Photokina with Emil and Mads. For those who are not photography geeks, Photokina is the world's largest photography exhibit held in Cologne Germany every second year.
The exhibit is massive and can be overwhelming at times. We had two days to walk the halls, examine the wares, and take in the atmosphere. Photokina is a beehive of activity, a Disneyland for photographers; suits, pros, and enthusiasts mull about with a tad of manic urgency.
Mads Krabbe and Emil Agerbo, Cheers :)
Emil took his apprenticeship in a photography store, is an avid photographer, and has of late been getting serious about drone photography. Mads is a professional photographer based in my hometown of Lemvig Denmark.
Believe it or not, we discussed photography and gear from early morning to late evening and were never bored. Thanks, gentlemen. It was a real pleasure.
Attending Photokina also provided the opportunity to finally meet my photography friend Patrick La Roque face to face.
Patrick and I have been corresponding online for a number of years, pre-Fuji gear actually. It was rewarding to connect in person and we escaped the exhibit halls for a nice lunch with one of his contacts, Magnus, a local film and TV writer.
Mads Krabbe. Testing cameras. Lights, action.
On our last night in Köln, our spirits were elevated perhaps aided by one or two of our favorite local beers, Kölsch. As luck would have it, we bumped into Patrick and several of the Fujifilm contingent. A quick hi to Jonas, whom I had met earlier this spring, and then we were introduced to Palle Schulz, Bert Stephani, and Zach Arias, an all-star cast of Fujifilm X-Photographers.
Last but not least Patrick introduced the head designer for the Fujifilm X Series cameras, Masasumi Imai. A serendipitous end to the conference; sharing a drink and conversing over a range of topics, from music to motorbikes and of course the one passion we all share - cameras.
We spent three nights in Cologne for Photokina. Exploring outside the exhibit halls was a real treat. Cologne is a vibrant city and a great place for street photography.
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The photos in this article are captured using a Fujifilm X-Pro2. Lenses: XF 14mm f/2.8 R - XF 23mm f/1.4 R - XF 35mm f/1.4 R - XF 90mm f/2 R WR (links to my camera and lens reviews). Editing was done in Lightroom. I have used Fujifilm film simulations in this article.