5050 Travelog is Off the Ground

Aerial view during our flight from Vancouver to Hong Kong
We Are Finally on Our Way
Flying From Vancouver to Hong Kong
I must admit, it feels pretty darn good to be on our way. Planning started more than a year ago and all of a sudden we are in the air on a flight path we had never been on before.
We were on our way to Asia for the first time ever. The 787 was almost new, or so it felt. Great seats with footrests, windows where you can dim the lights, or as a photographer would say, a built-in neutral density filter... cool.
In the Air Over the Pacific
We were on a Japan Airlines flight to Narita airport, Tokyo, for a short layover before heading on to Hong Kong. The flight path over the Pacific took us way north and the highlight was spotting the Alaska Coastline and Kodiak Island.
My face was glued to the window for long periods of time as the cloud formations continued to amaze me.
Di and I have started a 5050 Scrabble Tournament and the score is currently 1-1. We will keep you posted on future results. Perhaps we should start a betting pool. I am sure the world does not need another shot of an airline wing but nonetheless, here we go.
Our Japan Airlines flight is ready for take-off from YVR, Vancovuer Airport
Arriving in Hong Kong
After 10 hours plus it was great to stretch our legs in Tokyo. The flight to Hong Kong was on an older 777 beater compared to the 787.
Jetlag started to hit us near the end of the flight and we finally crashed and slept for an hour or so. The train at Hong Kong airport whisked us at warp speed to the center of Hong Kong where Sharon greeted us with a big smile.
The taxi worked its way up through the many switchbacks and windy road to the Peak where we will be staying with Sharon and Leighton for the next three weeks. More about this amazing place in upcoming posts.
We arrived shortly after midnight just in time to watch the World Cup Rugby final between New Zealand and Australia. Sharon and Leighton are from NZ. Leighton and his sons Lucas and Josh are all rugby players, so our timing couldn't have been better.
It was a great game and even better result as New Zealand sealed back-to-back World Cup victories. A great start to our trip. Sleep came easy as we put our heads on the pillow after being underways for 26 hours.
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