It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like

A Christmas Tree, Husumgade, Copenhagen, Denmark

Christmas Preparations in Copenhagen 2019

This entry to the travel blog is written almost exactly a year after we spent a few wonderful days leading up to Christmas in 2019.

Why are we so far behind in getting “pen to paper”? A couple of reasons really. It has without a doubt been a very strange 2020 with Coronavirus dominating the world and our way of doing things.

As I write this most of the planet is still struggling with the second or third waves of the pandemic. A vaccine should be getting closer and we cross our fingers it comes fast.

Since Coronavirus and travel do not mix well, we have been holding off or at least delaying our travel posts throughout 2020 and instead prioritized Camera and Lens Reviews on this site.

We still have more to relay from Denmark and plenty to come from our journey through Southeast Asia and New Zealand in early 2020. Please stay tuned.

Emma and Di checking out the Christmas trees at Nørrebro in Copenhagen

Visiting Family in Copenhagen

After five wonderful days in Budapest, we arrived in Copenhagen and stayed with my brother, Søren, this time around.

After settling in we were invited to a wonderful dinner at Linda’s. It is nice to be back in Denmark again and to enjoy a home-cooked meal after being on the road for almost two months. We felt very welcome.

In case you missed any of the posts from our European travels this time around, we visited Ireland, Northern Ireland, Malta, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Cyprus, Slovakia, Austria, and Hungary.

Linda and my brother Søren

Emma and Simon

We had not seen our daughter Emma and Simon’s apartment in Husumgade, Copenhagen, so this was the first priority after Emma had handed in her university project before the holidays.

They have actually just moved to another apartment in Copenhagen (2020), so luckily we got to see this place before it was too late.

Their pad in Husumgade was a small studio apartment but it was super cozy and we hung out there several times over the holidays.

Emma and Simon’s pad in Husumgade, Copenhagen

Street Photography in Nørrebro, Copenhagen

Emma’s boyfriend is an avid photographer and I have slowly but surely pointed him toward Fujifilm cameras.

On a grey day leading up to Christmas, I borrowed his lens, a Fujifilm XF 16mm f/1.4 R WR, and set out for a few shots in the streets of Nørrebro. Based on some of the photos from Copenhagen, I was able to write this review of the XF 16mm f/1.4 R WR.

Was it the wind or did someone push?

Day Trip to Helsingør

As part of Simon’s studies, he landed a cool job with Nordsjællands Brandskole (The Fireman’s School of Northern Sealand). We made a day trip to Helsingør, which is about an hour north of Copenhagen.

We got a tour of the school and later went Christmas shopping in the main pedestrian shopping street. We paid a visit to one of the nicest meat and cheese shops I have seen in Denmark and wrapped up the day with coffee and cake in a small cozy café.

It was beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Emma and Simon in Brandby

Copenhagen Metro

Copenhagen has been expanding the metro and after eight years of construction, the new Circle Line opened in September 2019. I asked Simon if he would join me in touring the Circle Line with our cameras.

First, we grabbed a Falafel sandwich for lunch at one of his favorite spots along Nørrebrogade. Energized we started at Nørrebros Rundel and made stops at Aksel Møllers Have, Frederiksberg, Rådhuspladsen (the main square of Copenhagen), and Marmorkirken (Frederick’s Church).

Each station has a different color theme and the tile work is a testament to Scandinavian design at its best.

The new Circle Line in the Copenhagen Metro

Furthermore, this was an excellent way to feel the vibe of different areas of Copenhagen in a relatively short period of time. We have been to Copenhagen many times before but it is always great to visit the main square, Rådhuspladsen, and familiar sights such as Amalienborg, the Queen’s Castle.

It was great to be out with Simon and the camera. I hope we can do it again soon.

Ro & Mag

We had a quick lunch visit with our friends Jesper, Sine, Bosse, and Le. It was great to see them all again. The big news since we last met, is Sine’s new business, Ro & Mag, which I would translate as “Quiet and Comfortable”.

Ro & Mag is a cool hang-out place for children and their parents in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen. It is a brilliant alternative to cafés or typical child care.

A visit with Sine at Ro & Mag

Stay Safe

We love spending time in Denmark and the days leading up to Christmas 2019 could not have been better. Those are the days that stand out in our memory but also remind us of things we are missing as 2020 draws to an end.

I am sure many of you feel the same these days. As we brace ourselves with patience we hope everybody stays safe and we cannot wait till we meet again.

The main shopping street in Helsingør

The photos in this article are made using a Fujifilm X-Pro2. Lenses: XF 14mm f/2.8 R - XF 16mm f/1.4 R WR - XF 35mm f/1.4 R (links to my camera and lens reviews). Editing was done in Capture One Express. I have used Fujifilm film simulations for some of the photos.