Canada Summer of 2016

The breathtaking view of Kamloops Lake in British Columbia

Summer With Family and Friends in Canada

We flew back to Canada on June 28th and will be around for a month or two. Primary goals are to spend time with the kids, visit friends in the Okanagan, and complete various photography assignments. 

Our flight connections were okay but not perfect. Copenhagen via London and Montreal to Vancouver. By the time we reached London our Montreal connection was in jeopardy and we were transferred to a direct flight to Vancouver. Bingo.

Family time in Victoria at Thetis Lake

Long Weekend - Vancouver Island

We spent the first week with the kids. A couple of days with Mik in Vancouver and then a long weekend with Mik and Emma on Vancouver Island. We were late booking and finding accommodation for the Canada Day long weekend proved to be challenging.

We settled for a glamping spot (glamorous camping) in Lake Cowichan near the river. It proved to be perfect. The weather was colder than expected but we did hop in the river once or twice. The guitar and ukulele came out and we cooked tasty meals over the fire. Nothing beats spending time with the kids. 

A family is going for a swim at Thetis Lake near Victoria, BC, Canada

Swimming at Thetis Lake near Victoria

Friends and Photography Projects in Vernon

After the long weekend, we were Okanagan bound and we spent a week with our friends, the Fanfanis. Wonderful to have friends with whom you truly feel at home. It was the final week of the Euro 2016 soccer tournament with excitement in the air.

I don't think many had foreseen the final outcome, which we won't mention in this blog. Being back in Vernon also meant various service checks for the body and soul. Chiro, physical, and massage appointments were booked and I started my photography projects as well.

It is a strange and almost surreal feeling to be back in Vernon after 9 months away. We could easily get swooped up into the busy lives we once had here.

We noticed quite a few changes in town. New developments and stores have popped up everywhere. We love nature and enjoy the company of our friends but have not missed the summer traffic. 

Kamloops Lake, BC, Canada

We did a road trip to 100 Mile House where our belongings are in storage. We made a swift trip up to sort out a few details. We grabbed our bikes, swapped a few clothing items, dropped off our winter tires, and had a fresh set of summer tires installed.

Now we are all set up for more road trips. We are currently staying with our friends Ross and Amanda who have a place with the best possible view of Okanagan Lake.

For our photos from Vernon, please check our post: Three Weeks in Vernon

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