AGF-FCK Football Cup Final

“Parken” Stadium in Copenhagen, Denmark

Danish Football Cup Final

AGF (Aarhus) vs. FCK (FC Copenhagen)

My cousin Uffe, not knowing where in the world we might be, sent us a message a few weeks back inviting us to the Danish football cup final. 

As luck would have it, Denmark was our next destination. The game stood between two huge rivals from the largest cities in Denmark, Copenhagen (FCK) and Aarhus (AGF).

We lived in Aarhus for five years before moving to Canada 23 years ago. Uffe and his family are from Aarhus so naturally, we joined the AGF camp and attempted to learn the cheers and chants as fast as we could. 

Beer Warm-up

A spectacular spring day was the perfect setting with two hours of warmup outside the stadium, live music, and beer flowing freely. Each team has its own brand of beer. Carlsberg vs. Ceres.

At the AGF depot, we had two options, the small 0.5L Copenhagen or the large 0.7L Aarhus option. Brilliant marketing! The whole draft beer machine is at a different level at an event such as this. I have never seen so many beers served up in such a short period of time.

AGF had won the "hometown" draw so we had the main grandstand and more than half the spectators in the sold-out stadium were from the "home" team, AGF. This is also the home pitch for the Danish National Soccer Team, the largest stage for soccer in Denmark.

FC Copenhagen Takes the Cup

The atmosphere was superb. Everyone was clearly out to have a good time and it was by far the best atmosphere we have ever witnessed at a soccer game. 

The only thing missing was the fairytale ending with an AGF win. But the odds and a more tenacious team were against us and FCK took the 2-1 win in a well-fought game. 

Thanks again Uffe for the invite. What a day it was !! :)

The photos in this article are made using a Fujifilm X-Pro2. Lenses: XF 14mm f/2.8 R - XF 35mm f/2 R WR (links to my camera and lens reviews). Editing was done in Lightroom. I have used Fujifilm film simulations in this article.